Iron Hill

On November 14, 1996, Iron Hill officially pours its first beer and serves its first dish at 147 E Main St in Newark, Delaware. One year later, the team decides to swing for the fences. At less than a year old, Iron Hill enters the American Brewer’s Association’s Great American Beer Festival (GABF), the industry’s premiere competition. Newcomers to the scene, they take the crowd and critics by surprise when their Lodestone Lager wins a gold medal. It is the first of many.
Just in time for their official 20-year celebration, the team brings back a medal from the Great American Beer Festival in 2016. It is, serendipitously, their 20th consecutive year bringing home a GABF award. With years’ worth of awards close by, they celebrate the monumental anniversary with a company-wide toast on November 14th.
NOTHING’S MORE LOCAL than beer brewed ten feet from your table. NOTHING’S FRESHER than every dressing, every stock, every sauce made from scratch. Every day. NOTHING’S TRUER TO IRON HILL than letting their craft beers and handcrafted foods inspire one another in unexpected ways.